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Health Benefits Of Yoga

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Health Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga has a wide range of benefits in many aspects on both our physical and mental health. Incorporating yoga into our everyday life helps us be flexible and maintain peace amidst life’s difficulties. It helps us discipline our thoughts, emotions and brings self control to navigate successfully through everyday life. The word yoga is a Sanskrit word, meaning yoke or union aims to unite the soul, body, mind and universal consciousness. Yoga has acquired a lot of global attention in the past several decades.

5 Benefits of practicing yoga

1. Help you gain strength and balance

Yoga exercises or asanas, which focus on stretching and improving flexibility, help our muscles relax. Consistently practising various asanas, meditation, and walking makes our body more comfortable and function better. It develops our core and builds physical strength that helps us cope with the everyday pressure and strain. All of these will maintain a proper balance in our body and mind.

2. Improves Heart Health

Yoga reduces stress and improves cognitive function resulting in a healthier heart. According to penn medicine, yoga helps us in increasing our lung capacity and lowering blood pressure. Cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body can also be addressed through yoga. Regular practice of yoga can keep us young and support our heart health.

3. Fights Insomnia

According to Harvard Medical School, regular practice of yoga improves the quality of sleep, which keeps your mind active. Yoga reduces stress and compulsive thoughts that prevent us from mental health problems associated with sleeplessness. This can be achieved by including yoga twice in your daily routine.

4. Boosts immunity & self esteem

According to healthline, low immunity can lead to laziness, which may prevent us from overcoming everyday hurdles. Daily yoga workouts are proven to boost immunity and help us embrace the positive way. Through yoga and meditation we can naturally become more confident and have a positive attitude toward life.

5. Improves quality of life

Yoga helps us stay young and full of life by helping us in supporting our mental health, physical health, healthy routine, thinking positive, maintaining healthy relationships and many more things that enhance our living experience. It improves our health and lifestyle and helps us to maintain balance in life. People will love to be in our presence and respect us for how amazing we are at keeping ourselves healthy.

Bottom Line

Consistent practice of yoga will help us stay young and sharp. It also helps us connect with people more deeply and be in harmony with our community. The benefits of yoga sparked a global phenomena and made the world realise the importance of being mentally young and active. Live a life full of energy and enthusiasm with yoga.



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